2018 OLC Report

WOW, our 13th annual One Love Century and the cycling community has blown our minds! We love what we do and you all make the effort well worth it! Your feedback is much appreciated. Someone wrote, “One Love Century is next level  when it comes to cycling!” What a compliment.

Our MACC members and volunteers should be extremely proud! 


Now, let’s talk about the rides: Pre-ride Fish Fry was off the chain, the century ride unchained and the post ride, well let’s just say there was chains, cranks, cassettes, wheels, you get the idea, LOL!   1,100 is the number of cyclists that registered, 27 states were represented, several cycling clubs came strong with over 15 members, several Major Taylor clubs were in the house, local clubs were ever-present and bringing it. Special shout out to everyone present, from the participants from up the street to folks all the way from California & all locations in between (click image to enlarge). We collected some photos & videos on our 2018 Shutterfly Site.



This year we had a record number and broad range of sponsors and vendors supporting the One Love Century. We truly appreciate all of you! We were especially proud to have the Grady Health Foundation/Velocity Atlanta as our lead sponsor!


One Love is the soul of MACC and the One Love Century and you guys kept that love and positive vibes flowing all day!  You helped us with parking by car-pooling, coming earlier and utilizing the additional parking lot. You were patient while we worked thru a slow network during registration/check-in. Your camaraderie all day was palpable and made for a great day for all!


So, a final loud THANK YOU and ONE LOVE to all of our guests, sponsors, and volunteers. One Love Century would not be possible without you!